Sunday, February 1, 2009

Installing Flash 9 on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)

I will show you how to install flash 9 on Ubuntu 6.10. After many research that I made, I came up with a very short way to install Flash 9 on Ubuntu 6.10. Many people in the web did many ways to install Flash 9 on Ubuntu. Some of them take long way to install Flash 9 on their Ubuntu.

The following are the 5 easy steps to install Flash 9 on Ubuntu 6.10:

1.) Download the install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz from this site:

2.) Now, we have to unzip the install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz file. In the terminal, type the command below:

tar -xvzf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz

3.) New directory was created to your current directory. The name of the new directory created is: install_flash_player_9_linux

In that new directory, and flashplayer.xpt must exist.

a.) Copy and flashplayer.xpt to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
b.) Copy and flashplayer.xpt to ~/.mozilla/plugins/

Type the following command:

sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
sudo cp install_flash_player_9_linux/flashplayer.xpt ~/.mozilla/plugins/

4.) We will delete the directory install_flash_player_9_linux since we don't need it anymore. Type the following command to recursively delete the directory.

sudo rm -r install_flash_player_9_linux

5.) Open a new firefox browser, and type the following in URL


The following must appear:

Shockwave Flash
File name:
Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31

That's my five easy steps when I installed Flash 9 on my Ubuntu 6.10.

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Ubuntu 6.10 - Building MSSQL module in PHP5

This is a tutorial on how to add MSSQL module in PHP under Ubuntu 6.10.

I assumed that you have already installed PHP5 in Ubuntu 6.10. MSSQL module for PHP5 is not available in apt-get. So we need to manually install mssql module for PHP5 in our linux box.

Step 1: Install freetds-dev package

#sudo apt-get install freetds-dev

Step 2: Get the php5 source

#sudo apt-get source php5

//assuming you are in your home directory (i.e. /home/yourname)
//the command in step 2 will download the php5 source files and it will be placed in your current directory. New directory will be created after issuing the command in step 2. Name of new directory that will be created is php5-5.1.6

Step 3: Build MSSQL module

#cd php5-5.1.6/ext/mssql
#sudo phpize
#./configure --with-mssql

//after executing the commands in step 3, new directory will be created. name of new directory is modules.

//assuming you're in your home directory. absolute path of new directory created is ~/php5-5.1.6/ext/mssql/modules

Step 4: Copy new module to php extension directory

since your current working directory is in ~/php5-5.1.6/ext/mssql, you need to change directory to modules

#cd modules
#cp /usr/lib/php5/20051025

Step 5: Modify php.ini

//your php.ini can found in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
//you can use vi editor to edit the file

#sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

add the following line:

extension =

Step 6: Restart your Apache Server

#sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

//to confirm if MSSQL support is available, create a new php file and execute phpinfo() function. Run the php file to your browser and you can see the information about your PHP.


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Java Programming - Returning a Value from a Method

A method returns to the code that invoked it when it completes all the statements in the method, reaches a return statement, or throws an exception, whichever occurs first.

You declare a method's return type in its method declaration. Within the body of the method, you use the return statement to return the value.

Any method declared void doesn't return a value. It does not need to contain a return statement, but it may do so.

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Java Programming - Using the this keyword

Within an instance method or a constructor, this is a reference to the current object - the object whose method or constructor is being called. You can refer to any member of the current object from within an instance method or a constructor by using this.

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PL/SQL Intro - The Dual Table

The dual table

1. dual is a table that contains single row
2. The dual table has one VARCHAR2 column named dummy
3. dual contains a single row with the value X.

The structure of the dual table:

Name Null? Type



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The Power Behind The Words You Say


Many people just say the word that they want to say. They are not aware of the power of every word they say. I’d like you to understand that the words you say have the power to manifest.

You have to choose the word you say. If you say it’s impossible for you to become rich, you will attract that thought. But if you say you can be rich, you attract the things, situations, or people that would help you to become rich.

Successful people consciously or unconsciously choose the words they say. They always say positive things.

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The Filipino Painter's Painting

I took this picture from a painter's house in Mandaluyong City. He's a great painter. I wasn't able to get his name. He's near in my boarding house here in Mandaluyong.

What do you think about his paint? Does it look good?

That's one of his paintings. I'll upload some of his paintings later.

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17 Success Principles

I read the book 'Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude' by W. Clement Stone. It is one of the best books I've ever read. It would teach you how to reach your definite goal.

Here are the 17 Success Principles:

1. A Positive Mental Attitude
2. Definiteness of purpose
3. Going the extra mile
4. Accurate Thinking
5. Self-discipline
6. The master mind
7. Applied Faith
8. A pleasing personality
9. Personal Initiative
10. Enthusiasm
11. Controlled Attention
12. Teamwork
13. Learning From Defeat
14. Creative Vision
15. Budgeting Time and Money
16. Maintaining sound physical and mental health
17. Using cosmic habit force

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UNIX command - recursive delete without any prompt

Last week, I was struggling to recursively delete a directory which contains files and subdirectories. I know how to do it in Linux but it's a bit different from UNIX. I'd like to share with you how I solved my problem.

Here is the UNIX command that I used:

[/home/username]\rm –rf name_of_directory

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Tips on Making Your Own Decisions

The following are the tips on making your own decisions:

1. Don't permit the newspapers and the gossiping neighbors to do their thinking for you. If you are influenced by the opinions of others, you'll have no desire of your own.

2. You have a brain and mind of your own. Use it, and reach your own decisions.

3. Keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mouth closed, if you wish to acquire the habit of prompt decision.

"Deeds, and not words, are what count most".

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Oracle PL/SQL Packages

PL/SQL package is used to group related PL/SQL code and constructs together.

There are two parts of PL/SQL package:

1. Package specification - declares the public components of the package
2. Package body - implements public and private components of the package

Below is an example of PL/SQL package.

PROCEDURE getstud;
END reg_pkg;
PROCEDURE getstud IS ...

BEGIN ... RETURN total_stud; END;
END reg_pkg;

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Always think of the things that you want. If it’s money that you want to attract, you should think of money. If it’s relationship, you should think of relationship. If it’s car, you should think of car.

If you think of poverty, then you will attract poverty. If you think riches, you will attract riches. If you think of happiness, you will attract more happiness. If you think of loneliness, you will attract more loneliness.

You should monitor your thoughts. Don’t think of the things that you don’t want. Think of the things that you do want. In 24 hours, we have lots of thoughts. It would make you crazy if you will monitor your thoughts every moment. The easiest way to monitor your thoughts and to make sure that you have good thoughts is to ask yourself this question: “How do I feel now?”. If your answer is “I feel good”, then you’re in the right track. You should think of the good things. You might want to think of your loved ones and ask yourself the same question until your answer is “I feel good”. Keep on doing that and you will attract good things into your life.

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Every night before you sleep, pray for the things that you want. And there is one secret that you should know about how to have an absolute faith. Know what you want and ask for it just once in your prayer. The next and succeeding nights of your prayer should not ask for it again. You should believe that you already received what you asked. Instead of asking for it again, you should be grateful for you already received what you asked. Always say ‘Thank you’ to God and feel good. That’s the absolute faith!

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Talking about the lack of money

If you’re talking to your friends or to anyone that you don’t have enough money, then you will not have enough money in the future because that’s what you attract. But if you say to them that you have more than enough, you will attract that thought.

There is a miracle or great secret in attracting more money into your life. And the secret is to give more to charity or church. The more you share, the more you will have. As you share your blessings, you should feel good. If you don’t feel good, you will never attract money or any good things to your life.

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Emotion of Love

Love is the key to every problem on earth. Without love, there will be war.

Have you ever tried to get angry with anyone? If your answer is no, you’re good at controlling your emotions. Emotion of love dominates in you. If your answer is yes, this blog would help you to eliminate any emotion of anger and emotion of hatred that reside in your heart and mind.

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Emotion of Gratitude

Be grateful for everything you have. In this way, you will attract more good things into your life. As you wake up in the morning, say thank you. Before you sleep, say thank you.

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The great power of Smile

Smile attracts good things. Everyday, never ever forget to smile. Aside from smiling will make you younger, it will also attract good things into your life. When you smile, it means that you feel good.

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Feel Good When Giving Money to Church or Charity

When you are giving money to charity or church, you should feel good. That’s the secret of people who acquire great wealth.

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The Power of Leverage

Using other people’s time and effort is an example of leverage. If you have a big project or work, try to use other people’s time and effort and you’ll find that the work is easier to do.

In order to be rich, you have to think on how you could use other people’s time and effort in such a way that both of you have mutual benefits. The best example here is the relationship of an employer to employees. Employees render useful services for the benefit of the employer. In return, employer pays the employees for the services they rendered. It’s just a matter of give and take. In this scenario, it is very obvious that the employer has more benefits than the employees because employer did not work hard. The employer uses his employees’ time and effort to acquire more money into his life.

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Oracle PL/SQL Anonymous Block

Anonymous blocks form the basic PL/SQL structure. It is unnamed PL/SQL block. It is used to initiate PL/SQL processing tasks from applications.

Here's the structure of anonymous block:

... optional declaration statements ... ]

BEGIN ... Start of block (Mandatory) ...
... executable statements ...

... optional exception handler statements ... ]

END; ... End of block (Mandatory) ...

The square brackets indicate an optional part. DECLARE keyword is optional but it is required if you declare variables. BEGIN and END are mandatory and require at least one statement between them, either SQL, PL/SQL, or both.

Here's a very basic example of anonymous block:

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE("Hello, World!");

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My Dream House

The picture above is my dream house. I just want to know if the Law of Attraction really works. Napoleon Hill said "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve". W. Clement Stone said "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve through positive mental attitude".

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My College Days

When my high school graduation was about to end, I said "I will take BS Computer Engineering in a private school". Unfortunately, my parents can't afford the private school so I decided to study in Pangasinan State University (PSU) which is a public school. I took up PSU's entrance exam and I passed it.

I was disappointed when I learned that my preferred course doesn't exist in PSU. I took up BS Computer Science since it is a little bit close to BS Computer Engineering. Whew... :)

I did my best to get high grades for the four consecutive years. Fortunately, I got high grades and learned many things. I'm very thankful for I met Mr. Rolando Andico who encouraged me to learn PHP, MySQL, Linux, HTML, XML, and Oracle SQL. From second year college to fourth year college, I stayed to Mr Andico's office during my vacant time and every Saturday. Mr Andico encouraged me to read books and use the available computers in his office. Mr Andico's former students like Jully Manuel, Aileen Medina, Julio Cervantes, Antonio de Guzman, Rey Sarmiento, and his other former students encouraged me to learn more. I'll always remember those people who became a part of my success.

I also want to thank my classmates, schoolmates, and teachers in Pangasinan State University.

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What is Twitter?

Twitter is now very popular in the web. It is a platform for sending frequent short messages (or tweets) to many people from your phone or the Internet, and receiving the same from others. I already have an account at Twitter. You might want to sign up now and follow me. I'll also follow you. :)

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Beautiful House in Kennon Road, Baguio City

The picture at the right was taken from Kennon Road in Baguio City. I admire its great location. I wish I could have a house like that.
I took that picture last December 25, 2008 8:15AM. What can you say about the picture?

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Apache2 PHP5 LoadModule problem: Apache won't start

Most of the PHP programmers get this error when installing PHP and Apache:

Apache2 PHP5 LoadModule problem: Apache won't start

The reason why they get this error because they might be using Apache 2.2.x and they added this in their httpd.conf:

LoadModule php5_module C:/php/php5apache2.dll

If you're using Apache 2.2.x, this is the right line to be added in httpd.conf (please take note of the bold font below):

LoadModule php5_module C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll

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Mines View in Baguio City Philippines

The picture at the left was taken in Mines View Park, Baguio City, Philippines. It was taken at around 4PM on December 26, 2009.Many Filipinos and other foreigners visit this popular place in Baguio City, Philippines. If you're from outside of the Philippines and not visited this place yet, I encourage you to visit this great place.

Feel free to leave your comment on this picture.

Thanks for visiting my blog :)

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you need something, give that something

There’s a great power behind giving. If you give something, you will receive that something. It doesn’t care whether that something you give is good or bad. So be careful to the things that you give.

If you need smile from someone, give smile to that someone and you will receive more smiles not only from that someone but also from all the people around you.

If you are short of money and need more money, give money to your church or to your favorite charitable institutions. That works for me and to many people who know the secret of giving. Some people may say, “Only rich people could do that because they have lots of money. We the poor people could not do that.” My answer to that statement is that most rich people came from the status of being poor. When they were poor, they apply that secret. They give money to their church or to their favorite charitable institutions. And now that they’re already rich, they still keep on giving for they know the great power behind giving.

But there’s something to understand in giving. If you give, you should feel good. That way, you will receive more good things. If you feel bad while giving, you will receive bad things instead of good things.

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